At Springfield Primary School, we want our children to be happy and confident, be sociable and enthusiastic and feel listened to. We want them to feel safe, love learning and respect each other. Through our learning values, we aim to develop the children’s skills of teamwork, resilience, independence, creativity and kindness.
We follow the National Curriculum but our curriculum was designed with the above in mind.
Click to have a look at our exhibition in Chelmsford Museum.
Our curriculum:
- is enhanced through visitors and trips to give our children experiences and widen their outlook on life
- aims to deliver excellence in learning and teaching and expect all learners, children and adults, to be actively engaged in their own learning
- uses our school grounds to enhance learning at every opportunity
- is inclusive as we both support learners and encourage breadth and depth of learning, offering challenge and enjoyment
- ensures progression, being closely monitored and tracked to ensure the opportunity of attainment
- is cross curricular providing relevant links across subject areas but with clear, specific learning intentions
- celebrates diversity through units of work, assemblies, dance and visitors
Each of our curriculum units is planned to ensure the learning is exciting, purposeful and engaging for our learners.
We provide a nurturing environment where children can develop respect for themselves, each other, the wider community and the wider world. We support their interests, challenge their thinking and encourage them to take risks.
We think it is important to give our children opportunities to become responsible citizens and participate in decision making via:
- School council
- House captains
- Springfield Ambassadors
- Play Leaders
- Butterfly room drop ins
- Sports leaders
- Lunchtime monitors
- Clubs and sporting activities
We want our children to develop a sense of pride in their work, their presentation and of what they have achieved. We give them opportunities for personal development and celebrate their successes through:
- Weekly celebration assemblies
- Gold book awards
- Values stickers
- Music assemblies
- School performances
- Open afternoons
Children learn best when they are engaged and inspired to want to find out more.
Our curriculum across the school is blocked into units of work with credible links building on previous learning and enabling our children to apply new skills across all areas of learning.
The children are immersed in different learning areas, including dance and arts, to engage them further. When children and parents are talking constantly about ongoing learning, then we know we have it right.
When fully developed, all curriculum units will start with a ‘hook’ and culminate in a quality outcome the children can be proud of.

As we continue on our journey of curriculum design, please take a look at our history and science progression maps.
Geography Progression
History Progression
Science Progression
Our curriculum is designed to excite and inspire children into wanting to learn. We teach non-core subjects in blocks for example:
- The Y2 unit ‘What a Load of Rubbish!’ links science and geography with recycling and caring for the environment
- The Year 1 unit called ‘Toy Story’ encourages the children to consider how toys are made, how their parts move and how our toys are different to those our parents and grandparents played with
- In Year 3 one of their units ‘Wacky Races’ incorporates science and design technology where the children design and make their own wooden framed buggies
These units of work are adapted each year to meet the needs of the children in particular year groups.
Our music curriculum is developing through staff training, opportunities for children to learn an instrument and working with outside providers to enhance opportunities.
Music Action Plan