Our year 3 football team played in the Chelmsford City tournament on . They played with skill and enthusiasm. They won 2 games, lost 2 games and drew the rest which meant they finished 8th in the city....
Our girls football teams played at Bishops Primary School with enthusiasm and smiles despite getting soaked on an awful weather day!...
Our boys football played their first league match at Bishops Primary School with enthusiasm and smiles despite getting soaked on an awful weather day....
Year 4 children enjoyed their Superstars event taking part in lots of different activities....
As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations, Y6 were invited to EYFS to share some Chinese food prepared by the younger children. It was a really fun afternoon for everyone involved. ...
Y1 listened to a West African folktale and then created a dance in groups. The children enjoyed using the instruments to practise following the beat and creating their own songs....
Year 3 children had a great day at Colchester Castle finding out about Boudica and the Romans....
This term Y1 are learning about Judaism and the celebration of Shabbat in RE. They made Challah bread which is a sweet bread that is eaten during the Shabbat festivities....
Our junior choir enjoyed their experience at the O2 taking part in Young Voices...