The school day is from 8.40am to 3.10pm and is structured in the following way:
Our school day starts at 8.40 when the children are welcomed into their classrooms and learning starts.
The register is taken and sent to the school office at 8.50. After that time children should be signed in at the office.
We have daily assemblies including our weekly Celebration Assembly.
Morning break time is 10.15-10.30.
As part of the Government’s Fruit & Vegetable Scheme, all EYFS & KS1 children receive a piece of fruit or raw vegetable every morning. KS2 children are able to bring a small healthy snack from home but no sweets or chocolate please.
Lunchtime for EYFS & KS1 starts at 12 noon with KS2 lunch starting at 12.10.
The children have a cooked school dinner in the infant hall or may eat their packed lunch in the junior hall both supervised by midday staff.
The menu is available on our newsletter each week. Children order their lunch in the morning which is then freshly cooked to order.
All KS1 children are entitled to a free school meal under the Government’s Universal KS1 Free School Meal programme; these meals still need to be ordered as outlined above. For children in Years 3-6, parents or guardians certain benefits may apply for free school meals.
Please make an application online at
Afternoon lessons start at 1pm for EYFS & KS1 and 1.10 for KS2 with the school day finishing at 3.10.