Our new container for collecting house point tokens has arrived....
Our annual dress as a rock star day was a great success....
There was a good turn out for our Y1 Phonics Breakfast for parents....
Children have been learning how to do happy breathing as part of our My Happy Mind project. Parents - have you downloaded the app?...
Year 2 children have been learning about the Great Fire of London. They learnt how fast the fire spread when they set fire to their Tudor style houses....
Y4 have been writing tanka poems this week in English. In Japan, it is tradition to hang poems and wishes on trees so we have hung ours in the orchard....
The year 6 children had a great time on their residential trip....
Year 6 children enjoyed archery and pitching tents....
Year 2 represented Romania in the mini games this week. They took part in various sporting activities including cheer leading, bike riding, sport stacking and sprinting....