This term's home learning project of 'My Heritage' has been great. Some fantastic work is being brought into school....
Millie in Y6 took part in The Million Step Challenge and raised over £130 to support Diabetes UK. She went for a lot of walks during holidays and walked around the field at break and lunchtimes to get her step count up. Well done Millie....
Y1 children were looking at seasonal changes this afternoon and used art to record their findings in science....
Our art project in Y4-6 is underway with creativity, team work and papier maché all over the school creating exotic creatures....
Our EYFS children harvested turnips and other vegetables and made a stew inspired by the Enormous Turnip story. Parents joined us to sample the stew and homemade bread....
Our girls football team are the champions! They finished the local schools tournament with a 100% record winning all their games playing with enthusiasm and sportsmanship, showing all our school values....
Some of the Y5 children have applied to be play leaders. They have a clear idea on the role, how they want it to work and how they want to support the younger children....
On a rainy afternoon Y6 competed in a range of track and field events and finished the day in 2nd place - a fantastic performance by the whole team. The children showed confidence and skill in events familiar to them and took on the challenge...
Year 2 have been finding out about the Great Fire of London. They built Tudor style houses then watched them burn as they learnt how the fire quickly spread and burned in London....