The children look fabulous today in green and crazy hair. We are supporting REMAP....
Y3 arrived at school dressed as Ancient Egyptians ready to take part in Egyptian related activities....
There are Ancient Greek warriors around the school today with year 6 taking part in the Ancient Greek day....
Some of our year 4 children took part in an activity with The Mighty Oak Company in preparation for us entering a team in their public speaking competition early next year....
Year 5 Vikings are preparing for battle during their day of Viking related activities. ...
EYFS children have been busy tending to their vegetable garden and also planting crocus bulbs...
Olivia and Evie are pictured with their homework creations. Olivia has made an edible character from an Ancient Greek myth and Evie made a cheesecake which originated from Greece....
The Great Fire of London happened on the school field today. The children had built houses to represent those in London in 1666. Sanvi enjoyed it saying, ' It looked a real fire like it really happened, it was very scary for them.'...
Y1 had an excellent day at the Wilderness Foundation. They made dens, hunted for bugs, did some pond dipping and created some outside nature art....